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Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 13:29
by markovalja
what was that team full name and in what league it was?

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 12:17
by zoltan
I think that you think of Szolnok. If you give a thought to him really, then the team's full name Szolnoki MÁV and currently the second divsion, figures in his eastern group.

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 20:03
by markovalja
what league in 1968?

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 20:28
by zoltan
In the scond division, named NB I B. Szolnoki MTE on a name and from 18 teams on the 13. place completed.

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 05:21
by hungarian_stats
In 1968 Szolnoki MAV was in the 3rd division called NB II and finished 2nd.

Szolnoki MTE that later merged with MAV to form Szolnoki MAV MTE finished 13th in the second division. MAV is the name of the railway company while MTE stands for Munkas (Worker)

For reference:
1968 NB II Eastern Group
Békéscsabai El?re
Szolnoki MÁV
Ceglédi VSE
Debreceni VSC
Szegedi Dózsa
MGM Debrecen
Kiskunfélegyházi Vasas
Jászberényi Lehel
Kecskeméti TE
Szegedi VSE
Kelenföldi Goldberger
Debreceni Elektromos


Egri Dózsa
Komlói Bányász
Kecskeméti Dózsa
Bp. El?re
Nagybátonyi Bányász
Oroszlányi Bányász
Pécsi Bányász
Bp Spartacus
Várpalotai Bányász
Gy?ri Dózsa
Szolnok MTE
Miskolci VSC
Ozdi Kohász
Nyiregyházi Spartacus
Budafoki MTE